December 27, 2008
December 25, 2008
December 20, 2008
SHP Group Rig Photo

This was great. My first panoramic group photo. I love this image. What a great group of people to work with.
I also just received word form the executives at SHP that I am able to sell this print to the employees of SHP. I have two sizes available 12x36 and 4x12. Contact me for more info if you are interested in purchasing a print.
I will be with my wife's family in Central California this holiday season. It should be a lot of fun. I can't wait to take some shots of the landscapes.
December 6, 2008
SHP Winter Bash
December 1, 2008
SHP Rig Photo
November 25, 2008
Dawn & Marks Wedding

Here are the photos that I promised from Dawn & Mark's wedding in Mesa, AZ. It was a very beautiful and intimate affair. I hope that enjoy their honeymoon in Peru.
November 22, 2008
AZ Wedding
I can't believe that it is 4:30 in the morning and I am off to the airport. I am going to a wedding at 4:00PM today. I am looking forward to shooting in a new location. Hopefully I will great some great light from the desert.
November 15, 2008
November 13, 2008
My dog
November 3, 2008
Slow Season
Wow... this time of year is really slow. I have been thinking about shooting a wedding for free, just for the fun of it.
October 23, 2008
Thomas & Andrea Photos
I am finally getting ready to ship Thomas and Andrea's photos. I think that they came out great. Shooting in RAW was fun. Converting the RAW files into JPEG was a nice challenge. It took me a little longer than normal, but it was worth it.
October 13, 2008
Andrea & Thomas
I just finished looking at Andrea & Thomas's wedding photos. Andrea is absolutely glowing. She made an incredibly beautiful bride. I will post a few photos very soon. This is the 1st event that I have shot in 100% RAW format so it is going to take me a little longer to get through my work flow.
October 10, 2008
Wedding Tomorrow
I am super stoked. I am gearing up for Andrea and Thomas wedding tomorrow in Dana Point. The weather is looking good and with such a beautiful bride I am sure that I am going to get some great photos.
October 7, 2008
Busy Day
Wow yesterday was crazy. I was at the Apple store for 3 hours. My hard drive crashed. You would think that me being a photographer I would not only back up my clients photos, I would back up mine too. While sometimes I forget. I almost lost my honeymoon photos. We were able to save the photos, but I lost everything else. Now I am a huge fan of Time Machine, I am going to keep my external drive plugged in all the time.
Luckily, I had not problems at Canon, I drop off my cameras for a sensor clean, and I am glad to say all is well with the digital SLRs.
Today I need to go buy a couple of memory cards. I am not longer shooting my events in JPEG. It's all RAW shooting now. I might even need another external hard drive. It's always something.
October 6, 2008
Mac Store
Oh no.....I am in Irvine @ the Mac Store. I having some trouble with my MacBookPro. Hopefully it is a quick fix. The more time that I spend in here the more money I will spend. The new iphone G3 is looking very good right now. I am just afraid how Jill will handle another new phone. Hopefully I can convince her it is a business expense. Hopefully? Wish me luck.
October 3, 2008
Jennifer Love Hewitt
How cool is this. Today on the set at ktla 5. I had the opportunity to meet Jennifer Love Hewitt. She is unbelievably nice. I normally don't ask for pictures but she was cool about it that I had to get one.
October 2, 2008
Married Life
Nobody told me when I got married that I would have to sell off all of my stuff. Jill and I are having another yard sale this weekend. We got the permit and are ready to rock it. So if you are in the Long Beach area this Saturday stop by and buy some of my stuff. Lots of DVDs, clothes and maybe an old digital point and shoot camera with a water housing.
September 29, 2008
Another New Blog
Wow this is my 3rd new blog page this year. My friends from Pictage assure me that this is the one. No crazy advertisements from other photographers, no photos that do not fit on my pages and most importantly this one is able to be found from a search engine. I guess that can helpful. I hope you you like it. I tried to import blogs from my last blog, so if things look a little messy, that may be why. So it is almost 2am, I think it is time to go to bed....
September 25, 2008
Michelle Monaghan

Michelle Monaghan was on the Morning Show today talking about her upcoming movie “Eagle Eye” This movie sounds awesome. I can’t wait to go see it. Since the last movie Jill and I saw was a Brad Pitt movie, It is my turn to pick, and I think the eagle has landed.
September 24, 2008
Info & Price Sheet

I have been working all day on putting together a post card with information about me and my prices. I can’t believe how much time it takes tweaking words, photos, colors and effects. But finally I am done for now. I get a proof from the print shop tomorrow. I can’t wait to see. Getting into marketing and advertising is fun. Above is a peak of one side of the postcard.
September 19, 2008
Kim Kardashian

On Thursday we had an another great guest. I heard form other people at KTLA that Kim was very nice and sweet. I did not get a chance to meet her. I had to get back to my edit bay. With this Sunday being Emmy night we have been really busy editing and getting ready for the show.
September 16, 2008
Isaiah Washington
Today at channel 5 they had a great guest from Grey’s Anatomy Isaiah Washington. He really seems like a nice guy. I think that he is also on a new show, but I am so tired that I can not remember the name of it. Wait I got it. I think he going to be on “The Cleaner “ with Benjamin Bratt. Sweet, I remembered something and I have only be awake since 1:45 AM. Go RedBull!
September 15, 2008
Wedding Coverage
Well the debate is over. We now have a price list that Jill and I can both agree upon. I will be working the rest of the day on designing our new price list. This is really exciting. We agree on something. We make such a great team.
September 12, 2008
Pictage Partners Con
I just got home from the Pictage Partners Convention. I wish that I could convey to everyone how great this opportunity was. I was amazed by all of the great photographers that were there. I can’t believe how much insight to wedding photography and business was available.
The photo above is of me and Mike Colon. He is one of my biggest inspirations. I really enjoy looking at his work and I am equally impressed by all that he gives back to the wedding photography community and world wide charities. I wish him continued success, and look forward to seeing all that he accomplishes.
September 7, 2008
Well the goods is I was nominated. The bad news is I didn’t win. So congratulations to FOX 11 for winning in the category of Medical News Story - Single Report. I guess I will have to wait a little longer for my third Emmy.
September 5, 2008
Wedding Gift
September 4, 2008
The Mornng Show
Wow, that was fun. I was back on the ktla morning show this week. What a great show. It has a lot of good energy. Being so early in the morning, I don’t know how they do it. Lucky for me, I am in an edit bay so no one can see how tired I look. Anyway, here is a photo that I snapped today of Jessica and Cher on set.
September 2, 2008
Moving Forward
Well I am finally starting to advertise somewhere other than Craigslist. Although Craig has served me well, I think it is time to step up the game. I am now trying Google and Yahoo. Hopefully this will be money well spent. It is hard to spend it being a newlywed and all. I am sure that Jill would have rather spent it on something for the house. Lucky for me she is very understanding. I am still looking forward to a big magazine ad, now is just not the time. Hopefully soon.
August 31, 2008
New Logo
August 29, 2008
New Blog Page
Well here it is, my new blog site. I was informed that my previous blog provider was advertising other photographers. Not exactly what I want on my site. So please bear with me as I learn to navigate my way through this new format.
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